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Automotive Spare Parts

Looking to source genuine spare parts for all automotive brands of vehicles, trucks and tractors. Talk to us with your requirement and we will offer you the best price .... Click Here

Technical Manpower Resources

ItP provides technical manpower resources available within our organization or from our partner organization based in Asia which is a professional HR, recruitment, selection, outsourcing and manpower sourcing company. We can provide manager, engineers, accountants, supervisors, technicians (i.e. mechanics, drivers, operators, welders, fabricators, plumber, electricians, carpenters, riggers, masons, helpers etc.), skilled, semiskilled & unskilled workforces from Asia to different organizations for their projects in the Middle East, Far East, European and American Continents.

ItP has a flexible approach and can work to specific requirements of particular projects / clients. We can also form and provide a complete team of workers and specialists, who can carry out common or specific tasks independently.



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